Tuesday, January 10

Photoblog Challenge ~ Human Portrait

Spencer and I attempted to get out of the house last weekend and we made a trip to the park. I loaded up the camera, tripod and kid and off we went. I had great visions of some stark winter photos due to an overcast but bright sky and a smiley boy. 

The wind had other plans for us and we lasted a mere 10 minutes. Yeah, we're lightweights! We did some shopping, bought some snacks and went back home. At least we tried. When I asked Spencer if he was cold, this is the expression he gave me. If my adorable boy had this awful, pained look, I can only imagine how I must have looked. Ha!

Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation. Kin Hubbard (1868 - 1930) 

I linked up with Photoblog Challenges


  1. Ah, I just want to squeeze the stuffing out of that boy. He's such a cutie, no matter what face he makes.

    Sorry it was kinda a bum day but you did get this cute photo and a memory!!!

    love ya! xoxo

  2. haha:) the hubbard quote is right on. and that is such a fun shot of your son. the 'wash' of the photo looks great.

  3. Congratulations Sheri and Spencer!
    Your picture is among the winners of the portrait challenge. We loved the expression of Spencer, this moment of life just caught.
    Wanted also to welcome you to photoblogchallenges and hope you will like it there ;)

  4. Thanks so much, Nicole and Ed! You two always make my day.

    Wow @Photoblog. How exciting is this!? Again, wow! I find the challenges not only fun but so refreshing! Thank you so much!
