Wednesday, December 14

Pug Expressions

 If you have ever known a pug, they have the cutest, funniest facial expressions ever. Dexter is a continual source of comic relief for us. For such a tiny dude (under 10 lbs.), his appetite is pretty fierce. He spends his days sleeping (and snoring) and waiting for food. Ah, what a life!

Did someone say bacon?

I'll be the best pug ever? Bacon?

I don't think they have any bacon...


  1. OK how can you not squeeze him every time he goes by so cute

  2. omg he is so CUTE!! haha I love pugs :)

  3. Aww. Looks just like my Cooper! He's really sick right now, so it makes me a little sad, but happy too! Pugs are too cute.
