Friday, December 16

Mind Therapy, It Does a Body Good

Photography is way to tell others how you feel about what you see. ~ Anonymous  

This week's Photo Friday theme is Meditative. I could sit here at this spot for hours. Doing some of my favorite things in life. Reading, with my camera beside me, wildlife and nature at my feet. Meditating on life and how wonderful it can be, leaving my worries behind...

Do you have a favorite spot to sit and free your mind? Do you have hobbies that give you that much needed break from life's chaos? Retail therapy maybe? Hey, I'm all for a going on a shopping spree too. What time should I pick you up? ;-) 

I think we all need mind therapy. It's healthy not only to ourselves but to those around us too. Helps us keep our perspective, right? 

Only boring people, are bored. True story.

Wishing everyone a great day and a wonderful weekend! 

I linked up with Photo Friday


  1. Wow.....what a beautiful spot! I would show up there with my paint brushes :) You have captured the serenity wonderfully.

  2. It's a wonderful spot for meditating! My favorite spot is too far away, all the way in Scotland and I live in the Netherlands so I don't go there often. Second favorite spot is the woods near my house. And ofcourse my own garden with lots of birds! ;) Have a nice weekend!
    Love, Kati
