Tuesday, November 15

Windmills & Weather

I took this photo at a beautiful hidden little park/recreation area my best friend introduced me to early this fall. I have lived here for over 8 years and didn't know it existed until a few months ago. I have since spent some time here as it's full of photo opportunities along with a well maintained walking path through the woods. Spencer, John and I have spent a few afternoons here and I loved the quality family time.

I only wish we had known about it earlier in the year as the weather here in Wisconsin is gloomy as heck. Cold, windy, rainy, snowy and while the sun comes out it does little to warm the soul. I rarely discuss the weather because I can't change it and frankly often times find the topic boring but as the winter months are yet to come with their fierce cold, ice and snow, I am mourning a little like I do each year at this time. Mourning the sunshine that makes me so happy and cheers up the world. Mourning the walks Spencer and I talk and the precious time I get to spend with my sweet boy away from the rest of the world. And vainly mourning my sun-kissed tan that has already faded...

Anyone else just dread the winter months like I do?

I linked up with Sweet Shot Tuesday.


  1. Great shot! The sky is gorgeous.

  2. I love discovering new places. I used to live in Iowa and the first winter I lived there I was hating it. I hated the freezing cold weather and the snow. I like to sit in a cabin and look at the snow falling from the inside, not driving in it or clearing the sidewalks. It was a life experience:) and I am so happy to be back home in CA.

  3. Lovely picture! No I don't dread the winter months. I love to curl up with a good book or just looking out of the window to see all the birds outside my window eating the seeds I put there just for them my camera in hand just in case. ;) There's enough to enjoy even in winter!

  4. great color and subject. These are fading fast from the country side.

  5. Such a lovely shot!

  6. Thank you everyone!

    @Jessica, exactly! If I didn't have to shovel or drive in it, I might find not half bad.

    @Kati, I need to think like you do!
