Saturday, November 26

My Love Affair with Nature

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.
~ Henry Ward Beecher ~

Any amount of time spent here on my blog and you easily see how much I enjoy nature and the outdoors. I have always been more comfortable in an isolated forest full of wonders than a room full of people. I have lived in large cities and while I do enjoy all they offer, I am truly a country girl at heart. 

I would much rather witness, enjoy and capture the weather than talk about it. 

I have always thought bees to be amazing little creatures. I have so many photos of them from this summer. They are very photogenic and tolerant of me, thankfully. This photo was taken on one of Spencer and my walks to the school playground. 

Hope you are all having a great weekend!

*note: I have removed the photo slideshow on my sidebar and hope my site loads faster now. Let me know if you notice an improvement or not. Thanks!

I linked up with Camera Critters.


  1. Lovely and such an important part of nature. Happy Critter Day!

  2. I love nature too!!! and your cookies!
    I am your newest follower and also follower you on Pinterest.

    Hope you'll FB

  3. Thanks so much for the compliments!

    Kim, thank you for the follows. Am going to do the same with you right now. :)

  4. beautiful as usual! HOpe you had a great Thanksgiving!

  5. Lovely photo. I had a lot of bees this summer too! They love the oregano flowers in my garden. And I have loads of pictures of them on the oregano! :)

    Have a nice sunday.

  6. It's late Sunday night, but I'm finally finding time to hop with Lucy and Sam! I'm a follower!

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