Tuesday, August 5

Redecorating - Progress

Not that long ago I posted about my need to update my kitchen. I had decided to change my tropical theme to more herbal garden. I recently went to Kohl's (this store will be the death of me) and of course found exactly what I was looking for AND on sale.

The pictures don't look like much but I am thrilled with the result.



  1. That looks really awesome! I am SO envious of anyone that can decorate - I seriously suck at it! You did a great job!

    Oh and you'd asked me if my friend sells those tooth pillows. She sure does. She does custom colors as well as the personalization. They're fairly cheap too - around $8 or so. Send me an email natesmommy@theledvinas.com and I'll send you her info!

  2. I love it! Very exotic and beachy! I feel like there will be a cabana around the corner. Oh, and there should totally be a cabana around EVERY corner in life, ya know?


  3. That looks really unique and neat! I love anything to do with herbs, gardens, plants, etc. Great job!

    Just don't let your frogs out...they may think they live in a jungle and jump on the walls, lol!

  4. I just wanted to let you know again that I've been thinking of you and Spencer all day with his mri scan coming up tomorrow. You are such a great mom....there has to be a reward for that and I pray the reward is that the scan shows good things.

    Love you guys.

  5. Wow I love the new look! That's a very artistic and imaginiative design you have created there.

    Very nice job!
