Thursday, May 15

Growing Up

I love to go through all of our photos. I will find many I forgot were taken or at the time they were taken, they seemed insignificant but now have some special meaning. Out of the many topics discussed about Spencer, the fact that he is so small for his age, is one topic that always hits me like a punch in the gut. It's one of those feelings that if I let it, it could really bring me down. I would be a very rich person if I had a dollar for every time I have heard, "Spencer is so small for his age", "Boy, is he little". Luckily Spencer could give a frog's butt about his size, therefore, I bite my tongue and think about vacationing in Jamaica with Will Smith's navel (the rest of him would be ok too). How can I object when these people are right, Spencer is quite small for a five and a half year old. He looks more like a three year old. I know when this is said, no one is saying it to hurt, it is said as fact, nothing more.

You know how it is when you see someone every day, that the changes in them are more subtle to you than to those who haven't seen them in a while? Well, I was again looking at photos from last summer and came across these adorable ones John took with Spencer at the park last year. How could I forget such cute pictures? Anyway, I looked at them and realized how much Spencer really has grown since last summer and how much older he looks in general. These were taken on May 22nd of last year. If you look at the pictures I have been posting lately, I think he looks like a growing boy. Can you see my smile at your house?

For some odd reason, among my favorite pictures of Spencer are ones like this.


  1. He has definitely grown, not only taller, but he looks older too! He's just small for his age like cousin Colin was and there's nothing wrong with that. He's happy, and that's all that matters!

  2. I totally agree. He has grown up in size and he looks alot older. He does remind me of Tim and Matt in looks now. Of course thats a compliment!

  3. I so know exactly how you feel Sheri! Katie is the same way!! She easily looks about two years younger. My biggest sad moments for her are when someone asks her age and think she is wrong when she tells them 8. The look on the persons face I want to slap off sometimes! After years of thinking and waiting we put her on growth hormones this past November. People tell me how much she has grown and for the most part I do see it, but like you said it is hard to see when you see them daily. Yesterday she stood in front of me and I rested my arm on her head, I had never been able to do that before without crouching. It was definitely an ah ha moment! Sending our love and big hugs!!

  4. My twins get comments like that ALL of them - and they are definitely on the small side.

    I can definitely see that he looks older in the recent photos! :)

  5. You all have made my day! It was ironic because I blogged this last night and when I took Spencer to school today, his teacher said, "He sure is growing". (she does not read this blog). I wonder if people know how a little side comment like that can make a person's whole day brighter? Something good for me to remember to do myself to others.

    Cheri, I bet that was a tough choice. You are such a wonderful mom to your girls, so I know you are doing what is right for Katie. I am so glad you are seeing results! I am doing happy dances here in Wisconsin for her!

  6. I can see the difference in him from the pictures. I miss seeing you guys in person. I can see where you find such joy in this little guy. You can see the sweetness in his face and eyes.

  7. I can tell he is getting taller. He has grown taller since his 4th birthday. He is such a cutie. I am very grateful to have met Spencer. I am very happy that he is doing great. I just love all of the photos that you put on this website. Take care

  8. Hi Faith! We miss you. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Sheri,

    I will now keep stoping by now that I know where to find you. Give Spencer a hug and kiss for me will you. We are flying home in September, both of us. Faith

  10. Faith - Are coming home to stay or to visit? We would love to see you!

  11. Sheri,
    We are just coming home for a visit. Doug has not seen his children in 5 years. I finally got him to come home. Long story will e-mail you about it. I on hte other hand hate myself for only seeing my own grown children once a year. It is not enough for me. We are moving back to Wisconsin but have to work out stuff for his job. Love Ya want to see you too. Faith

  12. I know what you mean about not seeing your kids enough. I don't live as far away as you do from the family but I still see them way too little! The days seem to fly by! Glad you have Doug now.
