Tuesday, April 22

A Very Late Thank You

How does someone say thank you for a priceless gift? Words are not profound enough sometimes and seem inadequate when people give you gifts from the heart. When Spencer was going through his countless surgeries and tests during his months in the hospital, family and friends were my lifeline and support. I was too caught up in the time to fully appreciate the effort so many made to be there for both Spencer and I. I don't think I could ever get close to how much that meant to me and still does. Many drove over two hours one way just to stop in make sure I had things I needed. My sister and brother-in-law had Colin in and out of the hospital themselves and still took the time to come for Spencer's surgeries. My sister never failed to call me and just let me talk. My mom and Aunt Mattie drove down every chance they got and always brought Spencer a toy or stuffed animal to make his room more cheerful. My stepmom baked me the most delicious food and my poor dad would sit for hours in Spencer's room waiting for me when I was at the hotel taking a nap. He even made sure I got out once in a while for a quick lunch and even though I thought I shouldn't leave Spencer, he knew I needed a little time out of the hospital to reassess. My cousins Christine and Erin never failed to make me laugh when I thought all humor in myself was gone. My sister's pastor, Pastor Barker, who works for the Ambulance team would make sure to stop in when he was down this way for an ambulance call. He never failed to restore my faith with each visit. Spencer's grandfather was very ill during one of Spencer's big surgeries but he and my Aunt Marlene still came down, even though it must have been a hard trip for Chuck. Each visit, call and card during such a stressful time really can make such a difference. Thank you all for being you and caring like you do.

Here are a few pictures of Spencer after he had finally come out of the woods and was on his way to recovery. He still had his feeding tube and the bandage on his head is from his final shunt surgery. He is so stinking fat because of all the medications he needed to be on. I know he looks quite pitiful but he really was starting to come back to himself and was very happy. I post these not for pity, but to remind us all to have hope. The last picture with the awful " feed me" outfit is so funny. One of the nurses in the hospital found the outfit in the extra clothes bin and thought while I was at lunch, she would change him and take a picture. The irony of him being so fat and having a feed me outfit on was not lost on anyone who came in the room.


  1. I am a frequent reader of your blog!! Love it!!

  2. You forgot the 2 most important people in this story.
    John and yourself. I was down there some but by just what I saw you had to have nerves of steel and deep,deep love and patience.You and John are heroes to my little boy. I want to thank you both and say I am so proud of both of you!

  3. Reading that made me teary! And although I don't know you personally, I can tell that you're one special person.
