Here is my nephew, Sam. I am proud to be Aunt to this handsome young man. He is the spitting image of his father (sshh...don't tell my sister). Many kids these days are full of themselves, rude and sloppy. Kind of like me when I was younger. Sam, is none of these things. He is intelligent and inquisitive. He is thoughtful and fun to be with. He is thankful for what he has and glad to help others. The kid can play any sport out there and do a damn good job too!
I love this special nephew of mine for all of the above and so much more. I don't get to spend near enough time with him. I am going to work on that starting this spring. He will be graduating college and I will be an old dried up woman before we know what hit us!
Below is Sam as Jay Leno's offspring. Sorry Sam, but it is funny!
Awww, that is SO nice! What a great Aunt you are, really. Sam is going to love that warped photo, lol!